Heart of the Sunrise (2019)

The frogs dive into the classic Yes masterpiece in a dawn meditation.
Available exclusively via Bandcamp.
Fahren (2019)

Thirty five minutes of gear shifting, pedal to the Meddle jams. Yes, we spelled it that way on purpose, bro.
Available exclusively via Bandcamp.
Photo by Craig Judkins
…and impending doom (2019)

Seven tracks, total time 1 hour 36 minutes. Kiss The Frog stretches out with an expansive, nearly two hour set of improvisations including two five minute long, radio friendly hit singles Dimorphodon and Anton (if your local radio station plays atmospheric noise jazz that is.)
Stream …and impending doom everywhere.
Painting by Elliot Newton
The Days of Wrath (2019)

Two tracks, 59 minutes.
The frogs go long and weird with two long, looping, thrash-bop freak outs. You’ll hear echoes of mellow Paranoid-era Sabbath as well as truly acid drenched, devotional peaks that would bang Father Yod’s gong… and yours?
Stream The Days of Wrath.
Painting by Juan Giralt Lerin
Dog (2018)

Man’s best friend. Always at the ready with slippers, newspaper or to lick away your tears – the dog.
“Dog” is the third album release from Kiss The Frog in 2018 and one that covers even more sonic ground than the previous two. With one foot in jam funk, one in jazz exploration, one in classical atonal counterpoint and another in the avant-garde, “Dog” continues Kiss The Frog’s trajectory of sniffing and marking spaces hitherto unknown.
Stream Dog everywhere.
Illustration by H.M. Newton
Versus The Monsters of the Seven Seas (2018)

Grab your harpoon and hop on board the SS KTF as we set sail to do battle with the monsters of the seven seas.
Stream Versus The Monsters of The Seven Seas everywhere.
Illustration by H.M. Newton
Kiss The Frog (2018)

Pucker up.
KTF’s self-titled latest album sparkles with psychedelic atmospheres, down tempo grooves, slip stream structural dynamics and a heaping dose of reckless abandon. Recorded direct to analog tape with no overdubs, this is the straight vintage dope.
Stream Kiss The Frog everywhere.
Illustration by H.M. Newton
Resistance (2016)

Connect the circuit with this very groovy set of ever-shifting cloudscape improvisations.
Stream Resistance everywhere.
Photo by John Diosdado
The Trojan Horse (2006)

Kiss The Frog’s true first studio album, featuring nine blistering songs (!!) some of which remain in the set list rotation to this day.
Remastered in 2016 with alternate versions and demos.
Stream The Trojan Horse everywhere.
The Berlin Tapes (2003)

A tour souvenir studio album recorded in Berlin, Germany. Remastered 2016.
Stream The Berlin Tapes everywhere
hillmonster is an ongoing series of drum and guitar duets the spirit of Coltrane’s “Interstellar Space.” But different, of course.

Download Hillmonster (2015)

Download Hillmonster 2 (2017)
FOOD was a precursor to Kiss The Frog and featured Barry & Charles and occasional sit-ins by Peter.
Want more music? Check out the live downloads page for more.